to Asia
Sri Lanka
Gulf Coast Disaster Relief
& Ministry Partner,
endeavor to keep you updated with regular reports of our activities and
ministry, especially those of you who have email. Some may miss a few
things, so in this edition we have included a summary of last year's
highlights, plus a look ahead. Thank you so much for helping us reach
out to the nations with the Gospel.
South Korea Outreach
Our ministry outreach to South Korea in April saw many lives blessed
and challenged -- both to know God, and to make Him known. We both
spoke at a 3-day Missions Conference in Chun Cheon and Don taught a
Church Planting Seminar. One church set a goal for the next 10 years to
plant 100 new indigenous churches in Asia. They are also committed to
training and sending out 300 full-time Asian missionaries! They have
asked us to help them with this ongoing vision.
Sri Lanka Ministry
Sri Lanka is a nation of 20 Million people who are nearly
all Buddhist,
Hindus & Muslims. Don was a part of a large team called Nations
that ministered throughout the country last summer, often in high-risk
security zones. 4,000 patients were treated medically; 20,000 reached
in evangelistic crusades; and thousands of others attended youth and
women's conferences, and other events. A total of 1,700 decisions for
Christ were recorded. In addition, many Tsunami refugees received
practical aid and spiritual help. Local churches & pastors are
doing follow-up and reporting good success.

to Singapore
This island nation was once our home and where we served on staff with
Youth With A Mission. Many dear friends still live there. During his
time in Singapore last year, Don spoke at several drug treatment
centers, churches and fellowship groups that resulted in many coming to
the Lord.
Gulf Coast Disaster Relief
Partly due to his work with the
Tsunami survivors in Asia, Don's heart
was prepared for Katrina. Two weeks after the monster hurricane ravaged
the Gulf Coast, Don joined a first responder team to Biloxi, MS serving
as a volunteer Chaplain and relief worker. A month later, he returned
again because of the overwhelming needs, this time to ground zero - New
Orleans. In both cases, pastoral care and practical help were given to
hundreds of shattered lives at Relief Centers, local churches, and in
devastated neighborhoods. It was a privilege to be God's hand of hope
and healing to those hurting from their loss.
Other 2005 Ministry & Highlights
Wyoming Men's Retreat - Prison programs - Church services - Funerals
& Marriages - Home church Missions Team activities - Teen Challenge
programs - Counseling - Church Leadership conferences - Don's 50th
Spiritual Birthday and High school Reunion - Two Cousin's Reunions -
and other Family events.
During March and April, Don will be
going to two Third-World nations he has never been to. In Nepal,
the land of the Himalayas, he will be teaching a week at YWAM's
Discipleship Training School on Spiritual Warfare, and a few
days at a Bible College on Sermon Preparation & Preaching.
Both are in the capital city of Katmandu. He will also share in
churches and with the YWAM leadership.
From there Don flies to Pakistan to join up with the
Nations Light team from the US, Sri Lanka, UK and Ghana. Local
coordinators are arranging 17 evangelistic meetings, 6 leadership
seminars, women & youth gatherings, and other events - in ten areas
of the country. Much of the ministry will be to the poor, and possibly
to some affected by last year's earthquake that killed 87,000 and
caused 3.5 million to be homeless.
Please keep this major outreach in your
prayers. Nepal is over 80%
Hindu with much political unrest and Pakistan is 97% Muslim with
growing anti-Western sentiment. Pray for safety; good health; open
hearts; and God's anointing, strength and provision.
Each team member must raise enough to cover his own expenses like
airfare, lodging and food. A total of $3,500 must be raised for Nepal
and Pakistan, with over $1,500 still needed. A one-time gift for this
special project would help so much - and can be sent to us directly or
to our missions account (see the top of this email).
Thank you for
considering being a part of this
opportunity to impact so many lives who are yet unreached. They will be
eternally grateful that you cared - and we promise to be good stewards
of each gift entrusted to us.
Taking God's Love to the Nations,
Don & Patti Hall
18th Year of International Evangelism &Training

Reaching the Nations
through Evangelism &
Youth With A Mission / Across Ministries /
Missions Support can be sent
of the Nations (YWAM)
Financial Services ~ 75-5851 Kuakini Hwy. ~ Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Account #
MIS-8295 ~ Designated for: Don & Patti Hall ~ Payable to:
Youth With A Mission
Don & Patti Hall:
Corte Montena, Lake Elsinore, CA 92532 US
(951) 471-3180 / (951) 361-6457
- Fax:
(951) 471-3180
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Hall Ministries