Here's what the Newspaper said:
By Dave Donnelly
- Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
How times flies
when youre
saving souls
IN A BREAK between the plethora of
"Spam" messages waiting to be dumped out of my computer, came a
heart-warming note from Yvonne Turnbull, wife of the man known
during his Hawaii years as "The Chaplain of Waikiki Beach," Bob
Turnbull .
During their recent trip back "home," the Turnbulls spoke at several
church services here and flew to Molokai to speak at Calvary Chapel.
The pastor there, Waxer Tipton, was 8 years old when Turnbull
last saw him. He's now 38! It was Waxer's father, Bill Tipton of
First Baptist Church in Honolulu, who married the Turnbulls.
But the highlight of the trip, Yvonne reports, involved a retired HPD
officer who read here about the Turnbulls speaking at Wayne
Cordiero's New Hope Church, and who showed up. He wanted to
personally thank Bob for talking him out of a murder-suicide pact
he'd made in the '70s involving him and his wife.
The former officer told Bob that their conversation completely changed
his mind and today he's happily married to the same woman he once
wanted to kill, and a proud grandpa to boot.
If you wonder why Bob, once an actor in Hollywood, loves his work --
you only have to hear stories like this one ...
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