Ways you can get involved in Across:
1. Pray
Each of the Across ministries needs prayer. And each of the staff
and volunteers needs prayer. Also pray for the various people Across is
ministering to at any given time.
2. Give
Each of the Across ministries needs financial support. Most of the
staff live by faith and are dependant upon God and people's support to
meet their living and ministry needs (in a similar way that Jesus, His
disciples and many Christian workers through the centuries) .
Cheques can be made payable to: Across Ministries and sent to:
PO Box 13-580, Auckland 1006, New
PO Box 1388, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530
below for more about this.
3. Volunteer
Each of the Across ministries need volunteers to help carry out the
services of that ministry. In some cases full time help is needed. In
other situations we could use whatever time fits best with your
schedule and other commitments.
For more information on service opportunities, email the across admin. OR email the ministry directly that you're interested in helping.
ACROSS International Ministries -
Get Involved
Thanks for visiting Across
You Can Help
International Ministries
As we continue to expand we depend on God and you - our faithful supporters. We are pursuing additional ways of getting support: through foundations and through President Bush's Faith-Based and Community Initiative Grants for those aspects of our ministry that qualify.
We treasure your prayers for God's wisdom and for divine connections through networking. Here are even more ways you could help Across International Ministries:
Gift of Real Estate - Capital gains tax can be avoided and still receive a charitable deduction of the full fair market value of the property.
Gifts of Stock - Across Ministries maintains a stock account for easy transfer which can give you a tax deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift and can save you paying capital gains tax on the increase in value of the stock.
Gifts of Wills & Trusts - Maybe you do not have the means to help as much as you would like right now, but you could put the Across Ministries of in your will or trust, as well as your loved ones. This would lower your estate taxes.
Gifts of Retirement - Beneficiaries of your retirement plan must pay the income tax on a retirement plan except for an amount donated as a charitable gift.
Gifts of Participation - You may have knowledge and experience that would make this ministry more effective. Your time and wisdom would bless others and enrich your life as well.
If you are interested in helping in any of these ways, please email
Across Ministries today.