Across Pacific & Asia

Water, Fire and Stones
Cannot stop the Gospel

"G.S., one of our staff, visits remote Egyptian villages six days each week to preach the Gospel," reports "Ziel 19", newsletter of the Schweizer Missionsgemeinde (Swiss Missions Church).

Sometimes he decides to preach in three villages on one day. He must overcome many difficulties, but he sees that as his task, God's calling on his life.
He recently wrote "I have twelve new farming villages in [withheld for security] Province on my heart. I have to visit them, no matter how strong the resistance is. And the stronger the resistance, the more open doors I find in the villages when I get there.

For example, the men in village [xxx] barricaded my path with rubble and straw. When I reached the barricade, they set fire to it. I just waited and prayed. When the fire died out, I walked over the ashes, and they retreated without attacking me. I could preach freely, and many gathered to hear the Word of God.

In [xxx] they redirected water from a canal onto the road so that I could not proceed. I waited, praying Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I am with you; when you pass through the streams, they will not overwhelm you. The waters soon receded, and the people who wanted to harm me vanished with them. I again found people in the village who were open for the Gospel.

In another village I had to pass by fanatic men who cursed me loudly and tried to stop me passing. They did not attack me, though. The next village was most dangerous: they tried to stone me, but I was not hurt, as though I had a shield around me. In that village people were healed through prayer and evil spirits were driven out of people.

Today, the Gospel is changing the lives of many people in the villages which I now regularly visit."


Source: G.S. in Ziel 19, Schweizerische Missionsgemeinde, Josefstr. 206, 8005 - Zurich, Switzerland





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