Across Pacific & Asia


New openness for the Gospel

Jewish evangelism
[name withheld for security] has evangelised on Israel's streets for many years, reaching Jews with the Gospel. It is understandable that his message is mostly rejected.

We have heard various reports that in recent months, there has been a new openness for the Gospel in Israel, particularly among soldiers.

Here's one example:  This summer, a motley group of Christians stood with their guitars and flags in front of Israeli soldiers at an army post on the Golan Heights. The soldiers were about to go out on a dangerous armed mission, but several of them stood with tears in their eyes as the Christians sang and spoke about Jesus, the Messiah. [xxx], the army commander, said "Thank you for coming. You have been a great help. You could hardly bless Israel more - we need exactly what you are doing!"


Source: various, including Friday Fax and





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